Monitoring Assistance, Resource Allocation and Entrepreneurship Development in North East, Nigeria
In Northeast Nigeria, from the recent infestation of insurgency in the region, the growth of entrepreneurship has been hindered by various challenges, including limited access to resources, infrastructure, and support systems. This study examined the effect of technology business incubation proxied by monitoring assistance and resource allocation on entrepreneurship development in Northeast Nigeria. Survey design was adopted and primary data was collected using 5-point Likert scale structured questionnaire from a census sampling of 103 technology incubation centre of Northeast. The study employed the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The data collected found that monitoring assistance has positive and significant effect on entrepreneurship development while resource allocation has positive and significant effect on entrepreneurship development in Northeast. Based on the finding the study concluded that regular monitoring assistance helps entrepreneurs track their progress towards specific business milestones, allowing for adjustments as needed while resource allocation will assist the incubation centers to have necessary technology and equipment to streamline operations. On this bases the study recommended that governments should create a comprehensive monitoring blueprint that will promote entrepreneurs in other to reduce level of unemployment and evaluate policies to promote effectiveness of entrepreneurship development in Northeast Nigeria.